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Sgùrr Alasdair, 22nd September 2024

 Toezi, Steg and I awoke in the big tent. The night had been fairly cold once the wood-burner had gone out, but we were expecting some heat in the air once the sun crested the Cuillin. We knew that our plans were derailed a bit having missed off Sgùrr Alasdair yesterday. The chat the night before had been to go ahead and just do the Inaccessible Pinnacle on it's own. Over breakfast we discussed options. Steg was feeling better than the day before, but Toezi's ankle was causing a lot of pain. It wouldn't be fair on any of us if we couldn't do the InPin together. Ultimately, Toezi decided to give the day a miss and Steg and I would press on and climb Sgùrr Alasdair in what would be hopefully a shorter day than previously. We left the campsite at 0905 and walked up to the fork in the path and headed NE. Where the ground started to steepen, Toezi left us to head back to the campsite, his ankle was definitely not up to a day on complex terrain. The sun started to crest the h

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